Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities


Member of the Editorial Boards

Radu Horaud is a member of the following editorial boards:

  • advisory board member of the International Journal of Robotics Research, Sage,

  • associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision, Kluwer, and

  • area editor of Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier.

Invited Talks

  • Xavier Alameda-Pineda gave invited talks Polytechnic University of Catalunya (May, Barcelona), Telecom ParisTech (May), Columbia University (June, New York, USA), and Carnegie Mellon University (June, Pittsburgh, USA).

  • Radu Horaud gave invited talks at the Working Group on Model Based Clustering (July, Paris), at Google Research (July, Mountain View, USA), SRI International (July, Menlo Park, USA), and Amazon (July, Seattle, USA).